Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Twinkle twinkle little stars 

I just want to shut myself into a little bubble. It's so strange how I get into moods when I literally don't feel like opening my mouth to say anything. I can text but I don't feel like talking. Is that weird ? I'm like that most mornings I don't get to wake up myself actually. 

I'm so tired of fyp. I'm so tired of feeling guilty for not doing fyp. I'm tired of forcing myself to do fyp. I'm tired of myself complaining about fyp. I'm tired of people asking me about fyp. But that's all what my life revolves around for the most part and thinking about it these few days, just makes me rather miserable. I guess I look fine, I sound fine, I smile as always but I sigh too- on the inside. I never believe in "waiting" for something to be over, and I always believe in living and embracing the moment always. But fyp is quite something else, constantly forcing me to just want to get this over with. 

I'm okay but I'm not okay. Haha I can't really pin point what it is I am feeling, panic? Misery? But yet ok, normal ? it's probably always at times like these you want to give up and throw everything out of the window but you can't really..Actually I don't even know what I'm typing about anymore or if it makes sense haha just typing to make myself feel better I suppose.

*sigh* I can do it *sigh*

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