Thursday, 21 May 2015

Forcing everyone to pick their "fortunes" it was pretty fun although cheesy to see what it was - I love fortune cookies haha I don't know why. 

Me loves.

I never not attend ADM parties simply because I'm always surrounded by marvelous company. 

Ray : wa my girlfriend see this I die. 

 Cute photo taken by v 

Ended the night with zouk - Nadia's virgin clubbing experience. We actually decided to be cheapos and waited for the first bus train home.. Music was terrible but the company was greeeeaaat. Bumped into a hell lot of random people as well -.- haha 

Hey Law you were missed - I mean it 

Hello Manda, you are missed too <3 

Best photo of the night : 
*drumroll me frenz* 

* clap * hi vi don't kill me love you bye.

Edit : 
Vivi requested 
The original before my strategic cropping. 

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