Sunday, 27 September 2015

Seinnheiser mic product shoot ? I don't know what this actually was for HAHA. But it was a last minute thing to help Walter / Sam out for a video shoot ? I guess it's payback for Sam lending us his studio for free from time to time. But it was nice to be singing (: don't know if I'm allowed to show the video so these are the stills - the lighting was really good.

Hehe thank you God for the many people around me for me to love / who love me. 

Monday, 21 September 2015

Fyp get lost. Be gone. Go away please 

Photo c: timmy

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Fyp is eating me alive. I can't do anything because I feel like I need to work on Fyp but at the same time I'm not doing anything because I don't know how or what. This is making me more and more depressed.
IF THERES A FKING FACEBOOK INVITE WHY WONT YOU READ THE DETAILS THERE HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TYPE ALL THIS INFORMATION OUT WHEN ITS ALRWADY THERE PEOPLE. - says me because every single person I invited asked the same damm question because they can't be bothered to READ

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Better late than never right ? this is a yearly tradition. 

Happy birthday vi. 

There are no titles to our friendship - but I don't know what I'd do without you in this past 3.5 years of uni life. 

You've always been there to listen, to comfort, to advise and rationalize whether it was about Fyp, feeling terribly depressed after coming back from summer, not being able to go for exchange, stress over assignments, ending things with Shaun, telling you about P. You're the first person I turn to for anything, that's the truth and I hope this never changes. You're someone who never judges, someone I can be fully myself when I'm with you, someone I can show my broken empty insecure parts to without hesitation. 

Thank you for being a part of my life, a friend, a sister in Christ, a fellow art student filled with sleepless nights and insecurities and also allowing me to be a big part of yours. 

Vivi you're a great person and everyone who loves you, loves you for who you are. So don't change because you're beautiful the way you are. And whoever who tells you otherwise please tell me because I will punch him in the face for you. I love you. 


Thursday, 17 September 2015

Making my days. Yes everyone's blog is still on .kr - literally in denial 

Mmmm fabulously fooling around with manda.

 I always run into you in the most random of times and places but I lavvit - heh always excited to see ya. MWAH~

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

I didn't really do anything today so there isn't anything to blog about haha but 


Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Popped up on my newsfeed from one year ago and we all look like babies . 

Yup this monster is back in 11290. Made zwee some hamster ears. 


Zh (easy shortcuts for their names) 

Zy's birthday party. 

I'm really glad I sent him a happy birthday text because then we started talking out of no where and we were pretty close when we were younger but we've probably never talked that much till now which is like 6 years later ? 

Saturday, 12 September 2015

I think once you fly away, leave a little of your heart somewhere else, you come home changed, and sometimes you hear your heart calling for the place a little bit. 

Obviously now one else in the world knows what we are talking about 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

August 2015 in a post 

First class of year 4 
Ray's birthday surprise ! 
David's army dinner 
Hellu <3

Korean potato pancakes with chef Vivi
Vivi's agilo
One and only snowman

Glamourous ben 

Thank you 
Virgin hive visit
Pings mad skills 
Dinner at bitch stop with the bitches 
Stupid toy from surprise egg
Super beautiful
Work studeh

Making the pineapply with ping
Night festival 
Meri law and nodio 

Driepoot dearest