Tuesday, 9 September 2014

A tiny reminder

Today Jeth thanked me for asking him to consider going to ADM as an option because he would otherwise never consider the option of pursing a path that only a minority of society doesn't really consider. I wouldn't take credit for his decisions but I'm honestly really happy to hear that he's happy, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

And just that short text from him reminded me why I'm here in ADM- because of late I've been struggling with feeling small, being afraid and having doubts about my existence in ADM. It has brought back the very words I told him, about how we're pursuing something people generally tend to avoid, but what matters is that we love it and we will fight all the way to get somewhere doing what we love rather than pursue something we aren't passionate about. Nothing good comes easy anyway. 

Not forgetting His Favour. fighting~ 

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