Wednesday 6 April 2016

Catching lots of sunrises - aka not sleeping, sleeping for 1 hour, sleeping late. FRIDAY ! Can't wait for Friday to be over 9.30 am in the morning and some of my shackles will be slightly unbound (: 

One of my biggest moral supports whether it comes to company, feeding me, listening to me complain, waking me up, carrying my barang, massage for all that neck and shoulder pain sitting in front of the computer for twelve hours odd, WRITING THE TEXT FOR FYP, and opinions when it comes to layout. Hahah kind of a repeat from the last post huh, but I'm that grateful. 

Yum yum .. Papa's home cooked nutritious breakfast !! Thank god for him if not I probably won't even have eaten. 

Hey tang tang~ I miss you tee hee ): 

1 comment:

  1. I miss you toooo but busy period we haz our boyboys and each other's moral support😌
