Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Happy Birthday (:


Happy Twenteen-ieth birthday to you.

It has been about slightly more than a year since i've known you !
like we always say : " i can't believe that i'd meet such great friends at work" 
and i think we always repeat it because it's so true.

Its like i've know you for ages viv. Its amazing how we click so well.
Maybe i won't always understand you or what you are going through at times 
and i don't see you very often anymore.
But do know that i'll always be here for you.
yes of course, "always" is an absolute word and i can't promise you ill be here for you forever. However, i can promise i'll try my utmost best to ensure i'll be there always.

Thanks for always being there for me too. Always ready to love, support, listen and never judging me.

Also i hope you know i am like maybe your number 1 fan. (HAHA)
but i also want you to know that i'm not just your number one fan because i'm your friend but because 


seriously. You inspire me. I wanna draw like you, take photos like you and i even started a blog because i kinda felt inspired by your writing haha. 
I love your work- you get the idea.
so i hope you believe in yourself too and keep on keeping on because i believe in you and many other people believe in you too (:

Have a great one although there is school haha 
much much much LOVE.

Heres to many more wonderful adventures ahead !

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