Monday, 16 September 2013

Round and around.

Been so busy these weeks haven't even had time to upload the many pictures that I said I would blog about haha.

It is amazing that time just flows like water coming out from a tap and down the drain so easily. And just like water, we take time for granted. 

Have been having assignments thrown in my face - so overwhelming that sometimes i feel like i cannot breathe. Sleep is more than often compromised these days - an hour or less of sleep before a full day of school. I probably take longer than most others because of my complete unfamiliarity with illustrator and photoshop. With that said, i often remind myself that i'd much rather be doing these assignments than writing dumb essays and thus feel rather grateful and happy. 

At the end of the day, i think it is not about complaining about how much work we have, or how horrible the situation we are in at the present. I think that it is important to enjoy the present rather than continuously look forward to the future no matter the circumstance. i used to have this " oh i can't wait for the week to end so all the impossible submissions are over." kind of attitude. But nowadays i embrace whatever comes my way and try my utmost to look on the bright side. I think it would probably be annoying if i was a whiny baby and have a complaining spirit about every single task.

Life goes by seconds, minutes, days. Some people spend their weekdays simply waiting for weekends to come. I beg to differ. If you think about things from a superficial level, weekends coming quickly sound really good. But if you look deeper, it also means than you are getting older and older slowly, week by week, day by day.

Going through monotonous repetitive cycles of daily life often causes us to forget the meaning of the moving hands of the clock and we presume that things will be the same tomorrow and the day after and the day after that. 

Also, although schoolwork may be important, i feel that it is imperative for one to work out their priorities. Certain events only happen once, a 21st birthday, a wedding, a simple family dinner. I have now slowly come to learn not to give up such precious moments just for school work. There has got to be a balance and i am now more than willing to give up a little work time just for perhaps a simple family dinner rather than simply asking my parents to pack food home for me.

photocred: Jonno 

on a side note for this week, i think it was really encouraging when a few friends who spoke to me about school told me after our conversation that it was really nice to talk to me and they could feel how passionate i was about what i was studying. I have never thought the way i spoke could convey so much, and i knew i had a passion but i never thought it was so strong until today.

To tell the truth, i'm beyond glad i am where i am in ADM today and i would never trade it for anything in the world. I now see what God had planned out for me despite doing bad for A levels and struggling throughout the whole process -my darkest days were perhaps those spent in junior college. However, i don't regret having gone through it all because junior college has really made me into a more informed, intelligent and confident individual, giving me the chance to hone my leadership skills and opportunities to fulfill dreams such as being a vocalist and a cheerleader etc. i have also met many wonderful people whom i believe are keepers for life.

haha pretty long but reflective post.

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