Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Amazing grace.

Past four days of my life I have been stressing about this type assignment about grids and hierarchies. you have no idea how glad and happy I am this is over . 

Yesterday I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, feeling unreasonable moody and frowny and tired for no reason at all and it was a pretty hard day to get by. 

Proud of myself today. I know this isn't the best poster or brochure in class and I have a hell lot more to improve on but I did really give it a lot and I did learn a lot in return. I often find myself feeling inferior and afraid for others to see my work - something which I have to change. 

I'm also not the best at using adobe yet but I'm extremely grateful for friends like Jonana, Ray, Law and mer for taking time off to actually look at my work, give me feedback , teach me tips and tricks for Photoshop/indesign/illustrator. 

Not to forget that I honestly honestly have to thank God for his amazing grace because I think type is one of the mods of all time that actually stresses the heck out of me. Initially I didn't want Angeline as my professor - she's extremely strict so I always expect the worst whenever I have consultations with her or when we have crits- but honestly this semester although somewhat just beginning has been of nothing but Grace. A whole lot of Grace from Angeline and from God of course. She has been more than nice and I honestly end every single consultation surprised and with a warm feeling in my heart.

 I was supposed to hand in my poster today but I noticed a printing error right before class and I asked for a chance to reprint- she said it was alright and she even gave me untill tomorrow because I kept saying I would rush out and rush back to hand it in - and she told me not to "kill myself over it" that tomorrow would be okay. Honestly I can't even really express how I feel about this because Angeline is as I mentioned extremely strict and very particular about punctuality. So to actually show such grace toward me is beyond words actually. 

Beautiful daisies from shammo and me getting better at calligraphy after suddenly starting it today. Which is kinda exciting in a nerdy kind of way. 

Finally tried nansuttei and if you think ippudo is even any good nansuttei is like 10 times better or something. trust the ramen loverrr.

Met up with Yu Han to give him a treat for his 21st birthday because he has been an amazing friend who never fails to actually make me feel like a person worth something especially after every birthday.

Thank you for your continuous support whether it is for simple things like reading my blog, loving my sky photographs, my art and my music. Thanks for being my friend even though Im so LADYLIKE AND ELEGANT HAHA. God kinda randomly  brought us closer after a levels - I don't even know how, but I'm glad he did. 
We may not talk often but ya know good friends don't need to talk that often right (: we catch up right where we left off (: 

Fat day with our ramen, chewy junior and java chips (: 

See- he obviously wants to eat my chewy junior also - that piggers. 

Don't worry I'm still your friend. Please be my friend even though I posted this picture HAHA. 

I would say this day ended great! Submission over, great food, great company (: 

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