Monday, 9 December 2013


I can't say this is the best birthday ever. Because every single one of my birthdays are beyond awesome, and I'm reminded time and again of how incredibly blessed by God I am to have these very people in my lives. - my family, vivi, Yu Han, ath , Jeth, Jo,thiggz, merti, Dave, Pam, yy , mong , potatowee.. And so many other people I'm unable to mention here. ( haha kel and derp too .. Still so touched by everyone and everything ) 

Once again id like to express my gratitude towards these people for taking time , love and effort to do something for a nobody like me. 

I've reached a next stage in my life - what you can call adulthood .. But I still feel no different from when I was 17 or 18. Used to be a tad little perhaps what could be considered as afraid? to reach twenty. 

But now, I believe age has nothing to do with anything. It is true that as you get older, there definitely comes responsibility. But age often does not equate to maturity as you can very evidently see from the MANY cases on planet earth with stupid people in stupid incidents. 

What I mean to say is that even though I'm twenty now and as I continue to get older and more independent , I would want to stay true to myself and remain weird, and retain my fun and crazy side. I honestly honestly sincerely hope with all my heart that I one day won't become boring like most grown ups do, get tired and not want to do things like read or enjoy music or take roller coasters and be adrenaline junkies and waste time by complaining about how crappy life is. 

I hope to embrace whatever comes my way and remain true to myself. - even when I become I parent i would like to be that fun parent hahaha (so far ahead) - anyway being fun or crazy does not necessarily mean that one is immature. It is one who does not know when it is the appropriate time to be fun and crazy that is immature. 

Haha this blog post is like completely all over the place so I apologize to those who actually read my blog. 

- Kylie's rambling and unorganized thoughts.

Oh and I'm still so excited about the spong- balloons (foil ballons ) from Joanne cos idk .. I just love them ahhaha